
HiTC演讲实录∣苏世民学者Charles Vitry:超越国家视角

2020-05-03 | Charles Vitry (卫乐善) | 来源 公号“清华大学文化创意评论”2020-05-01 |


清华大学苏世民书院2018届校友Charles Vitry (卫乐善)在伦敦和大家分享了他的思考与感悟。














最后,我想到约翰·邓恩的名句:“没有人是一座孤岛。” 我们所有人都身涉其中。这场危机教会我们超越国家的界限,关注人类共同的联结,未来,我们要作为全球公民携手共进。


Dear fellow Tsinghua alumni, and friends across the world. Ispeak to you today from London, and although physically we are about 5000 milesaway, part of me in spirit has remained very firmly in 清华园.I serve the Tsinghua University Schwarzman Scholars graduating class of 2018 asan elected Alumni representative. It is part of our role as representatives tostay connected to our different members across the planet. I would like toshare with you today how Schwarzman Scholars Alumni have been strengthening throughthis period, as a Community of global citizens.

In these times where many countries are fighting COVID-19 intheir domestic context, national narratives are often the starting point fornews. This can also be felt in our Community. Tsinghua University SchwarzmanScholars has almost 30 different countries in its Alumni body in just 3 yearsof existence, soon to grow to 40 when the current class graduates from Tsinghuathis summer. When we engage with each other, local narratives are often the starting point.These past few weeks, one classmate has revived a tradition that used to bequite successful when we were still at Tsinghua. Every Saturday, we gather (nowvirtually) for one of our Alumni to share perspectives on a topic where he orshe has expertise.

Two weeks ago, we heard from an Alumni working in the SecurityOperations centre in San Jose, California. To our surprise, we learnt thatalthough this region includes some of the most developed cities of the world,San Jose was facing severe shortages of medical equipment and food poverty.Very few of us were expecting this. As we discussed potential solutions, someAlumni argued that we should not disrupt efficient allocation of global supplychains, with other Alumni arguing that local contexts and the severity of needshould be taken into account. Another Alumni built on this point further andasked the group to think about countries not even represented in the conferencecall, such as developing countries not in the focus of media attention but farless equipped to respond to the pandemic.

As a group, our learning was that to drive constructive change,we should recognize the existence of existing mechanisms but also be honestwhen these mechanisms aren’t working or are missing the representation ofcertain local narratives. In our Community comparing local perspectives andchallenging each other in this way happens very frequently. These are importantdiscussions because they teach us to step out of our national narratives to seenew perspectives we may not have considered.

Secondly, with different national perspectives shared andconsidered, we can then focus on what ties us together more deeply: the bondsbetween us as humans. For many of our Alumni,some of the strongest bondsbetween us are our common experiences traveling together throughout China.Climbing up , exploring张家界 and driving through deserted plains around . We sharedmoments of vulnerability and growth, and now many of us miss those moments. Andof course we miss Tsinghua, riding around on Mobikes through the 校园,the yoghurt (清华酸奶) and dry hot pots (清芬的麻辣) in University dininghalls. These are memories which unite us as a Community.

Now, a couple years later, in the times of the COVID-19outbreak Alumni rely on those same human ties to find energy again. Two of myclassmates recently convened a virtual poetry night for us to recollect in acalm moment together. In these times of isolation, it’s natural for us all toneed support from others. Many different poems were read, about hope, sadnessand other feelings our friends were experiencing.

One of the poems shared was Derek Mahon’s Everything is goingto be all right, which I think brings good comfort in these times. This is howit finishes: ‘I lie here in a riot of sunlight watching the day break and theclouds flying. Everything is going to be all right.’ Many of us left thesession feeling most at peace in many weeks, having connected in a very simpleway with friends from afar. What this reminded us is that when tensions arealive in the international scene, it’s very important to focus on our humanties, making us inhabitants of the same planet that is our home.

Last, once we recognize those human ties, it becomes easier towork together as a community of global citizens. The current COVID-19 crisis isan illustration of the pressing need for joint action as a global community.But once this crisis is resolved, the need for joint action of global citizenswill not lessen.

As recent Alumni, we and many other recent graduates around theworld will be faced in our lifetimes with major climate-change related issuesimpacting all industries, all sectors, all countries. The effects of globalwarming, if not mitigated, will have signifiant consequences on the livelihoodsof many populations. That will be the next challenge we will need to face as aglobal community, the next crisis and perhaps many other crises after that. Itwill require solutions and contributions from us all.

Many in our Community realize this. A point made recently byone of our Senior Alumni really resonated with me. He shared that whilst nursesand doctors around the world continue fighting for all of us on the‘frontlines’ day on day, night on night, there will be opportunities to do goodin the future in the same way that people are doing good now. Through thisstatement and others, I am seeing our Alumni pushing each other to stayaccountable in future as they grow in different careers and paths, to mitigatethe impact of crises to come.

To finish, we can recall what John Donne’s rightly wrote:'Noman is an island.' And we are all involved in mankind. Through this crisis wecan learn to engage beyond national narratives, focus on our human ties andwork together moving forwards as a community of global citizens.


HiTC(Humanity in Technology and Creativity ,即科技与创意中的人文),是一种新形态的主题演讲大会,由清华文创校友发起于2017年,以“科技与创意中的人文”视角,传递清华人对世界的态度:这是一种拒绝冷漠的态度,是温暖的态度;一种拒绝浮躁的态度,是安静的态度;一种拒绝软弱的态度,是坚定的态度。


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